A Mother's Prayer

Oh give me patience when tiny hands
Tug at me with their small demands.
And give me gentle and smiling eyes;
Keep my lips from sharp replies.
And let not fatigue, confusion or noise
Keep me from sharing my child's new found joys.
And most of all, help me to look above
When at times I think I have no love.
For You have promised to bear my load
As these precious lives unfold.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

At 3 Months & 3 Weeks

Natalie weighs 6.9 kg and can...
1. Roll over assisted
2. Support head and upper body when on stomach
3. Stretch out legs and kick when on stomach or back
4. Open and shut hands
5. Bring hands to mouth
6. Push down legs when on a flat surface
7. Follow moving objects
8. Make cooing sounds
9. Smile at familiar faces
10. Enjoy playing with other people

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